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Is there an administrative or disciplinary responsibility for those who are guilty of delaying and abuse of the timing of administrative procedures carrying out?


The Article 9.26 of the Code of Administrative Offences stipulates an administrative responsibility in the form of fine (of four to ten base units) for non-compliance of the deadline established by legislation for submission of documents required for the issue of certificates or other documents, also the deadline of issue of certificates or other documents. This liability may be applied to the head of organisation or employee responsible for the implementation of relevant functions.
According the subparagraph 1.10 of paragraph 1 of Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 27.12.2006 № 2 "On measures to further de-bureaucratization of the state apparatus" in each such case state employees participating in these abuses must be brought to justice. If there are 2 and more abuses in one institution the head of this organisation will be brought to disciplinary responsibility up to dismissal from his post.
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of the Republic of Belarus, 2024.