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Results of the audit on import customs duties were summed up at a joint meeting of the boards of the Eurasian Economic Union SAIs

Results of the audit on import customs duties were summed up at a joint meeting of the boards of the Eurasian Economic Union SAIs

The joint meeting of the boards of the Eurasian Economic Union SAIs was held on February 19, 2021 as a video conference. The event was attended by the Chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus Vasily Gerasimov.
The meeting summarized the results of a joint audit of the compliance in 2019 with the Protocol on the procedure for enrollment and distributing the import customs duties by EAEU authorized bodies. The audit was conducted in 2020, its coordinator was the State Control Committee of Belarus. The audited authorized bodies were the ministries of finance and treasury of the EAEU member states.
During the audit, certain facts of non-distribution and non-transfer of import customs duties to the budgets of the EAEU member states were revealed. The SAIs gave the recommendations to eliminate the deficiencies.
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