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Representative of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus took part in a working meeting of the expert groups of the countries participating in the “Parallel audit by the supreme financial watchdogs of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation of the execution of measures to establish the Customs Union, develop and implement documents coordinating the efforts of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation to establish the single customs territory”.


The parties shared information on the final stages of the audit, on detected issues, the degree of completion and deadlines for providing information to prepare the final document. They voiced and discussed proposals on the form, structure and content of the final joint document, considered a draft joint decision and coordinated their further steps to prepare and sign the final document.

The representative of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus informed the attendees about the completed and forthcoming stages of the audit, presented a review of preliminary results of the analysis of the Customs Union major mechanisms regulating customs and tariffs, indirect taxes, veterinary and phytosanitary control as well as transport control. They coordinated the targets of the parallel audit in order to make the data comparable for making full and objective evaluation of the audited activities.

© The State Control Committee
of the Republic of Belarus, 2024.